Financial assistance is available through Emergency Relief Funding (ERF) to support and help reduce personal financial hardship for individuals and families. ERF assists eligible people to deal with their immediate financial crisis in a way that maintains their dignity and encourages self-reliance. This may be following an emergency or loss of employment.
The amount of ERF you receive is based on your individual immediate needs. Due to limited funding the amount given will be at the discretion of Althea Projects staff.
If eligible for assistance through ERF you may be assisted with:
Althea Projects provides Emergency Relief Funding (ERF) to individuals at Althea’s Community Hub. Individuals may be eligible for ERF if they have a health care card or concession card, and are experiencing financial hardship.
The Althea Projects staff will do an assessment with you and let you know if you are eligible.
Individuals can apply for ERF by:
Althea Projects provides Emergency Relief Funding (ERF) to families at Wee Care. Families may be eligible for ERF if they have a health care card or concession card, and are experiencing financial hardship.
Families will need to verify that they have dependent children by providing their Medicare card details.
The Althea Projects staff will do an assessment with you and let you know if you are eligible.
Families can apply for ERF by:
Emergency Relief Funding financial assistance is funded by the Department of Social Services and Queensland Department of Communities.