Althea Projects Incorporated (Althea Projects) is a non-government Townsville based community organisation.
Althea Projects operates from 3 main service areas. These include:
Wee Care is a family support service that provides emergency 24-hour accommodation, respite care and emergency care for children from birth to 11 years old when parents/ carers are unable to arrange alternative care in a crisis situation, or due to other circumstances. Weekly playgroups are also held to support families in a strength based, peer focused environment. Wee Care also administers federally funded ERF to families in crisis and delivers a Family Contact Service providing supervised visits in a neutral and safe environment for parents/carers of Children on Child Protection orders.
Althea House provides short term care for children 0-12 and who are in the care of Child Safety until a family-based placement is available.
Althea Foster & Kinship Program (AFKP) provides out-of-home care placements for children and young people in the Townsville, Charters Towers, Hughenden and Burdekin areas. The program recruits, trains, assesses and supports foster carers.
Althea’s Community Hub supports people within the community who are experiencing or are at risk of experiencing homelessness, are living in poverty, in crisis, or might be experiencing social isolation. Services provided include homelessness case management, mobile support and outreach services, hub-based activities and meals, state funded emergency relief, information and advice, laundry and shower facilities and visiting health services. The Hub also delivers a community based Morehead Meals program.
At Althea Projects you can expect:
Your rights whilst receiving services from Althea Projects includes;
While working with us it is your responsibility;
You may provide feedback (whether positive or negative or just a suggestion) and you can make a complaint through any of the following methods:
You can request a Feedback Form at any time or you can fill out the electronic form.
You have the option to remain anonymous, but by doing so we will be unable to notify you of the outcome of your complaint. All complaints will be considered and dealt with appropriately. Acknowledgement of a complaint will occur within 14 days upon receipt of the complaint. An investigation will be conducted and depending on the nature and seriousness of the complaint various actions will be considered to resolve.
You will be informed in writing of the outcome of the complaint within 60 days. If you are unhappy with any decision about a complaint you have made you may appeal it by;
Other avenues for complaint or appeal could include:
The Human Rights Act 2019 (Qld) requires Althea Projects to consider human rights when making decisions. It is unlawful for Althea Projects to act in a way that is incompatible with human rights or failing to give proper consideration to human rights. At times the rights of one person may need to be balanced against the rights of others or the broader community. However, where Althea Projects makes a decision to restrict a person’s rights that restriction can be no greater than is needed to achieve a goal.
Where a client of our services believes a decision made by Althea Projects is not compatible with their human rights they may make a human rights complaint. Where a human rights complaint is made this must first be made to Althea Projects. Althea Projects has 45 days in which to provide an outcome to this complaint. If the complaint is not dealt with or resolved to a client’s satisfaction within that 45 days then a complaint can be made to the Queensland Human Rights Commission (QHRC).
The QHRC can be contacted on1300 130 670 (Toll Free) or (07) 4421 4000. The following web address can also be accessed in which find out more information about the 23 human rights and to make an online complaint to the QHRC.
Refer to Althea Projects Complaints Policy Statement for more detailed information on making a complaint. This is a public document and a copy can be requested at any time or it can be located on our Public Complaints Policy Statement.